- AAR Mechanical Designation: XF
- Construction: Steel
- Interior Dimensions
- Length: 50′ 6″
- Width: 9′ 6″
- Height: 11′ 2″
- Door Width: 10′
- Capacity: 70 tons
- Plate: C
- Description: (limited to “Box, Steel” on ICC recordation 8799-I)
- Total cars delivered: 25
- Original Lease Date: 22 February 1977.
- First Car Arrived on Property:
- ICC Lease Recordation Number: 8799-I
- Notes
- ICC Recordation #10050-A, a release and assignment between Pullman Incorporated (builder of the PHD 4000 – PHD 4024 series) and ITEL CORPORATION (lessor of the cars) shows ITEL’s cost for the 25 cars was $886,125.00.
- Assignment (1982-1984)
- PHD 4000 – PHD 4019 were assigned to Diamond Crystal.
- PHD 4020 – PHD 4024 were assigned to Morton Salt.